In collaboration with Caring Across Generations, we explored how the prominent dementia care storyline in the final season of NBC’s “This is Us” affected viewers’ attitudes towards care in their lives.
The series delved into the multifaceted dimensions of caregiving, shedding light on the complex dynamics, challenges, and emotional journeys faced by individuals who assume these roles. In addition to an audience survey, we conducted an analysis of Instagram, Twitter and Reddit comments related to the series and an accompanying social impact campaign produced by NBC in partnership with Caring Across and Hilarity for Charity. Our findings reveal that the storyline not only inspired viewers to share their own care experiences on social media, but also increased compassion and empathy among viewers for those with caregiving responsibilities and needs. Nearly half of viewers said that the storyline made them feel less alone in their caregiving struggles. The study hopes to foster meaningful conversations about the often overlooked yet vital aspects of caregiving in our society. Read the report. |
The Norman Lear Center's Media Impact Project researches how entertainment and news influence our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and actions. We work with researchers, the film and TV industry, nonprofits, and news organizations, and share our research with the public. We are part of the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.